Nigel Boyd - AKA Fanta Pants



NICKNAME:  Fanta Pants. Hard one to work out. Take his orange hair, a particularly vivid set of shorts, rotate when he accidentally did his first loop and then add whatever chemicals Andy was on at the time. The result is Fanta Pants.

WINDSURFING LEVEL:  Good windsurfer and keeps himself fit, despite driving a luxury camper van.

GREATEST MOMENT:  His first loop, which was a happy accident.

WORST MOMENT:  Breaking his kit at the far end of Rosapenna beach and then after a mile long walk of shame finding me waiting with a camera.

SLANDEROUS INFORMATION:  He's such a nice boy that we don't have anything on him. Yet....

OTHER INFORMATION:  He used to use electronic dating a lot. It seemed to work, although we think that's because he photoshopped his hair colour...

WHERE IS HE NOW?  Sailing, a lot between shifts as a fireman. Still to be seen at the club, Ballyturd and of course Donegal.