William Revels - aka The Wookie (that's Mister Wookie to You)



NICKNAME:  The Wookie (the hairy teddy that grunts a lot in Starwars). If you dare, share a shower with him and you might understand, but we wouldn't recommend it.

WINDSURFING LEVEL:  Seriously good in waves and also seriously fast on the water. Has won the odd slalom series.

GREATEST MOMENT:  Cutting Tony's board in two in Tarifa. Or stepping off a board in Barbados and getting married.

WORST MOMENT:  Having a monkey pee on him on a windsurfing trip to Gibraltar. Doing his knee on a wave at Kearney - but then rebuilding himself and getting back on the water, better than ever. Oh, and he did the same again at Whiterock and had to sail in on one leg.

SLANDEROUS INFORMATION:  He's not really that hairy, but it's a great nickname. So good that his wife is known as the 'Wookette'. But don't call her that if you want to live.

Someone once took his kit by accident during a demo day. He's not pretty when he's angry - that's Mr Wookie to you!

OTHER INFORMATION:  Often seen wearing pink, but not when he's windsurfing!

WHERE IS HE NOW?  Sailing, a lot. He lives by the water and sometimes will nip out three times a day. Not bad for an electronic engineer.